Stories from the Tour -by Trevor Romain

by comfortcrewmk on October 28, 2014

Trevor and GabrielleWe ended our USO Tour of Asia today.

For the last three weeks I have been on a world tour of Japan, Okinawa and Guam. We presented to over 4000 kids. As I sit here (on the beautiful island of Guam) on my last evening, I hear bullfrogs barking in the hotel grounds below my balcony. In my heart I hear the sweet voice of a young six year-old girl named Gabrielle whose dad, Tech Sgt. Mark Smith, died in a helicopter crash last year in Okinawa, Japan.

“Mr. Trevor,” she said looking into my eyes. “Hugging you reminds me of my dad,” Can we be best friends forever?”

Then she took my hand and led me to the tree where she said she speaks to her dad.

She hugged and hugged and hugged me and would not let me go. It was so hard to stop holding that little ray of sunshine. Brimming with tears, I am humbled and moved beyond words. (This selfie says it all.)

Thank you Gabrielle, your mom Jessica, and your wonderful older sister Vic for wanting to meet me and letting me know that my book and video “What on Earth Do you Do When Someone Dies?” helped you celebrate your dad’s life.

Sgt. Smith you would be so proud of how your family is living life so fully in your honor.

My heart is overflowing.

Thank you to the USO and the Comfort Crew for affording me the opportunity to meet spend time with this inspiring family .

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The Comfort Crew is a 501 (c)(3) non-profit organization. We are also supported by the Combined Federal Campaign (CFC#46891).